Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Beauty Starts at Thirteen!

Girls grow more and grow less where ever necessary!

LOOK AT CURVES: In general, you will agree that girls are beautiful. Particularly at the age of thirteen onwards, you will start looking at their beautiful parts of the curvilinear body. You know the round and barrel like shapeless body gets changed into curves at special junctures during the growth phase. Growth in terms of weight and girth gets changed into height and smooth curves.

THIN AND THICK: Body is thinned out into a lean and slim figure. Body fleshes become soft, but maintained as thick and thin in vulnerable positions to add attractions.

GOD IS MISER AND GENEROUS: You know, the growth of fleshes at some places are more attractive and leaning out at some places are still more attractive. Tamil poets do admire saying that god is a miser at places like hips with least muscles, while Look at places slightly above the hip, He is generous meticulously at breasts! The shoulders, upper and lower arms with their beautiful wrists and fingers have wonderful swinging moves while walking.

SWINGS WHILE WALKING: Growth of buttocks muscles also say about His generosity. The thighs and legs are smooth and have special curves to make the walking movements highly spectacular.

UPS AND DOWNS: The whole body with the head and neck and the down line with curves of shoulders, breasts, hips, buttocks, thighs and legs have a great say about the growing beauty of a young girl.

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